My Favourite Books of 2024: Part 1 ðŸ˜Š

I’m doing something a little different here. I usually post my “favourite books of” blog at the end of the year; part 1 on December 30th and part 2 on December 31st. But I thought I’d mix it up but posting part 1 once January-June was over. You’ll still have to wait until December toContinue reading “My Favourite Books of 2024: Part 1 ðŸ˜Š”

The Last Time I Saw You – Jo Leevers

Published By: Lake UnionPages: 320Released On: 01/07/2024 She’s waiting to become a mother—but first she has to find her own. Weeks away from the birth of her first child, Georgie should be enjoying the peace of her new life in the country, but boredom has settled in and nerves are running high. A viral newsContinue reading “The Last Time I Saw You – Jo Leevers”