Laura Purcell

My life has been heavily book-focused. I started writing as a teenager and went straight from school to working in a bookshop, where I met my husband. My fiction combines my fascination with history and my passion for horror films, but it doesn’t feature the other love of my life: guinea pigs. I’ve owned fifteenContinue reading “Laura Purcell”

Julie Casson

Sadly, I am a widow. But happily, I got to share forty-two fabulous years with Nigel – my funny, joyful, incomparable husband, soulmate and best-friend. I am mum to a charismatic son very much like his father and two delightful daughters, also very much like their father, with a tiny bit of me chucked intoContinue reading “Julie Casson”

Diana Janney

I grew up in the countryside and have spent most of my adult life in London, where I met and married my husband. We met when we were both lawyers at a large international law firm in the City. I then transferred to the Bar and practised as a barrister before turning to writing fullContinue reading “Diana Janney”

Barbara Havelocke

The first thing you need to know about me is that I have two names! As Barbara Havelocke, I’ve got my debut historical fiction coming out, a story inspired by the characters of Great Expectations. I also write psychological thrillers as Barbara Copperthwaite. I started out writing as a journalist, first on my local weeklyContinue reading “Barbara Havelocke”

Sorrel Pitts

I have wanted to be a writer all my life. As a child I wrote reams, filling whole notepads until they formed a tall stack in the corner of my bedroom. I was always a bit of a loner at school, preferring my own company to others. I tended to live in a bit ofContinue reading “Sorrel Pitts”

Carole Hailey

I’d always wanted to write novels, but I became a lawyer instead. After twenty years of being a lawyer in London I finally took the plunge, gave up my career and did an MA in Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, University of London. It took another eight years before my debut (which was actually the thirdContinue reading “Carole Hailey”

Nick McLoughlin

Nick is 54, married, with two teenage children aged 19 and 15 respectively. He grew up in Derby, where his novel is set, but has lived in the French Alps for almost 30 years. He spends his time reading, running, and skiing, as well as coaching kids and adult football, both male and female. MeetContinue reading “Nick McLoughlin”

Leo Vardiashvili

Leo Vardiashvili came to London with his family as a refugee from Georgia when he was twelve years old. He studied English Literature at Queen Mary University of London. Hard by a Great Forest is his first novel.  Meet Leo Vardiashvili Questions on Writing What was the hardest bit about writing Hard By a Great Forest?I hadContinue reading “Leo Vardiashvili”

Nigel Stewart

I live in Kirkham, Lancashire – about halfway between Blackpool and Preston. Originally from Northumberland, grew up in Hereford, spent early working life as a civil servant in Berkshire before that job was relocated to Lancashire in 1989. My children have flown to exciting new places so it’s just me and Fozzie, my adorable dog.Continue reading “Nigel Stewart”

Emma Brand

I have always loved writing, but reconnected and fell in love with writing again during the COVID lockdown. I am a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and am passionate about diversity and representation in my writing and exploring the complexity of relationship and friendship dynamics. My debut novel, Dial One For Revenge, is basedContinue reading “Emma Brand”