Babylonia – Costanza Casati

Published By: Michael JosephPages: 400Released On: 04/07/2024 You are SEMIRAMIS. You are orphaned and raised on the outskirts of an empire, born into a life of toil and anonymity. But dreams of power and potential course through your veins. You’re strong, cunning and quick… and hungry for more. If you want the world to knowContinue reading “Babylonia – Costanza Casati”

Clytemnestra – Costanza Casati

Published By: Michael JosephPages: 480Released On: 02/03/2023 Mother. Monarch. Murderer. Magnificent. You are born to a king, but marry a tyrant. You stand helplessly as he sacrifices your child to placate the gods. You watch him wage war on a foreign shore and comfort yourself with violent thoughts of your own. You play the part,Continue reading “Clytemnestra – Costanza Casati”