My Favourite Books of 2023: Part 1 ðŸ˜Š

*Contains Spoilers* Part of me almost regrets starting this annual tradition in 2021 as it’s becoming harder and harder to single out particular books over others. I know this is a good problem to have as it means there’s been lots of books, but I always end up feeling a bit mean that I haveContinue reading “My Favourite Books of 2023: Part 1 ðŸ˜Š”

What Did I Read in 2023?

Hi, I’m back, giving the people what they want. At least, I hope they want. Am I just talking into the literary void? Helloooooooo. Anyway, now that’s done. Let’s get down to business. When I first did a yearly roundup in 2021, I managed to read 200 books. Last year, I increased this to 259.Continue reading “What Did I Read in 2023?”

What’s Coming in 2024…

I am so lucky that I receive advanced copies of books, either in digital or physical form, often getting them several months before publication. There’s an upside to this and a downside – although the downside is very small. On the upside: BOOKS, BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS!On the downside: I can’t really talk to peopleContinue reading “What’s Coming in 2024…”